Announcement of Travel Support
The Conference of Food Engineering Organizing Team (Gustavo Barbosa-Canovas, Juming Tang, Shyam Sablani and Yanyun Zhao) and the Society of Food Engineering are pleased to announce the availability of travel support for student attendees. We are grateful for conference support provided by USDA-NIFA in the form of AFRI Award Number 2024-67017-41897.
Travel awards will be in a maximum amount of $ 550 and may be in the form of registration reimbursement or hotel accommodation at the Westin. We anticipate making a maximum of 60 awards. Decisions on selection are made by the CoFE and SoFE organizers, and all selection decisions are final.
Requirements and Priority
To be eligible for travel support, the student must be a paid student member of SoFE, and must be a paid student registrant (full attendance) at the CoFE meeting.
Priority will be given to students whose major professor is also attending the meeting (as a paid full registrant). Support is limited to two students per faculty advisor in attendance.
Students presenting posters will have priority over those not making poster presentations.
Students attending on a one-day basis are ineligible for support.
Travel Support Form
If you are a student seeking travel support, please download and fill out the application form, get your advisor’s signature and email the form to